The most common property-related offence is Theft Under $5000, which is largely due to how common shoplifting is. It is also very common for someone to be charged with Theft who has been charged with stealing property or money from their employer. The threshold is $5000 to determine whether you will be charged with Theft Under or Theft Over $5000, which dictates the range of sentences that would be available in the event if a guilty verdict.

Being charged with theft under $5000 or theft over $5000 can, and often does, disrupt families. ​In many cases, we have successfully negotiated variations of the persons conditions so that they can resume communication with the complainant and even early resolutions with the crown attorney to conclude a matter without entering into a guilty plea or a finding of guilt, and having no criminal record recorded against you.

If you or a loved one have been charged with a criminal offence, contact our office today for a free no obligation consultation to determine how we can help.