Weapons offences are very seriously prosecuted under Canadian Law, and include a wide range of activity, such as weapons trafficking, unsafe storage of a firearm, unauthorized possession of a firearm, using a firearm while committing an offence, possession of an unauthorized or restricted weapon, assault with a weapon, among others.

In order to lessen the amount of gun violence in our society, the penalties for these offences tend to be more severe and quite substantial.

It is crucial to have a defense team who is experienced in defending against these types of charges to ensure that every detail of the Crown Attorney’s case against you is carefully reviewed and examined. We will work diligently to identify Charter violations based on how the Police conducted their investigation of your charges, and seek to have incriminating evidence excluded.

If you or a loved one have been charged with a criminal offence, contact our office today for a free no obligation consultation to determine how we can help.